In agricultural production, field manager have three errors:
One is technical guidance unfulfillment,not timely forecast,can not grasp the favorable opportunity, following administration obvious phenomenon,Sooner or later, can not reach the control effect.
Second,the masses has not strong prevention of mass consciousness.Coupled with household farming, it is difficult to achieve a unified treatment, unified prevention.
Third,use this kind of medicament is a wrong way.Or use a single species in recent years, reducing the control effect,Some farmers in order to improve the control effect, actually use highly toxic pesticides, increasing agricultural pesticide residues. the following is the preventive measures.
The corn leaf spot.
Prevention indicators are diseased leaves rate bring all the sick leaves out and destroy it. Second, we must strengthen fertilizing watering,of 15%. Manual control can be removed the lower part of diseased leaves,Enhance plant premunition: the third can be used 50% carbendazim WP 500 times, or 5% tuzet WP 500 times spraying, seven days once, twice.
The follow is some rice reaper video lincks,If you have any question, please contact me.