Rice Mill Machine
Farmers prefer to use the rice mill machine maintain the rice complete and white. However, some rice mill grind rice broken out more, and it's not white. the reason except to the quality of rice.also caused by Milling machine inlet and outlet valves and meters are control is not very well.and the operater can not master it.In order to improve the quality of rice milling, rice milling technology should do some adjustment at the rice mill working.
First, adjust the knife,
ainly to adjust the gap between the meter and the roller cutter, small if the gap is large, the rice milling chamber pressure, meter by the friction force is weak, and therefore can not be unpolished rice, grind the rice is not white in the drum, but the meter rate than high.
Second.Adjust the inlet ant outlet.When importing knife to open a large, export knife off smaller, increase grain rice milling chamber, the pressure increases, the grind out of the beige white, but more broken rice;
1.meter knife and roller gap should be moderate.The gap can not be less than the transverse diameter of the grain, otherwise easily broken rice;A gap of no more than longitudinal diameter of a grain of rice, otherwise rough rice.
2.Import and export knife to fit well. Opening of the general import knife can be controlled throughout the opening degree of 1/2, no more than 2/3.
Progress in Research and Development on Hybrid Rice: A Super-domesticate in China
Background: China has been successful in breeding hybrid rice strains, but is now facing challenges to develop new hybrids with high-yielding potential, better grain quality, and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. This paper reviews the most significant advances in hybrid rice breeding in China, and presents a recent study on fine-mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield traits.
Scope: By exploiting new types of male sterility, hybrid rice production in China has become more diversified. The use of inter-subspecies crosses has made an additional contribution to broadening the genetic diversity of hybrid rice and played an important role in the breeding of super rice hybrids in China. With the development and application of indica-inclined and japonica-inclined parental lines, new rice hybrids with super high-yielding potential have been developed and are being grown on a large scale.
DNA markers for subspecies differentiation have been identified and applied, and marker-assisted selection performed for the development of restorer lines carrying disease resistance genes. The genetic basis of heterosis in highly heterotic hybrids has been studied, but data from these studies are insufficient to draw sound conclusions. In a QTL study using stepwise residual heterozygous lines, two linked intervals harbouring QTLs for yield traits were resolved, one of which was delimited to a 125-kb region.

Conclusions: Advances in rice genomic research have shed new light on the genetic study and germplasm utilization in rice. Molecular marker-assisted selection is a powerful tool to increase breeding efficiency, but much work remains to be done before this technique can be extended from major genes to QTLs.
Tips of Rice Fertilization
Scientific fertilization is very important for improve rice production and efficiency.but in practice,Because we can not master the fertilization techniques, often make rice stricken fertilizer damage.Its performance at stop the growth of seedlings of stagflation.when rice filed have fertilizer damage. causing production lighting, heavy plowing replant the seedlings.
In order To take full advantage of Fertilization on Rice. Except to used fertilizer.must be applied "three fat"that is That tillering,panicle,and particle
Learn the rules and characteristics of rice need fertilizer, we should be carried out in phases and reasonable.。
First,the early tillering Tillering requirements topdressing earlier,50-60% of general tillering fertilizer accounts for the total.Tillering must be used in 7-10 days after transplanting rice, 5-7 kg of urea per acre application.
Second, skillfully panicle. Application time around rods of rice. Mushi 3-4 kg of urea, and with a small amount of phosphorus and potassium applied per acre foliar application of 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. 50 kg.
Third, particle. To select a sunny afternoon spraying 1% urea solution, or 1: 500 times Huimanfeng active liquid fertilizer, 50 kg per acre.
In order To take full advantage of Fertilization on Rice. Except to used fertilizer.must be applied "three fat"that is That tillering,panicle,and particle
Learn the rules and characteristics of rice need fertilizer, we should be carried out in phases and reasonable.。
First,the early tillering Tillering requirements topdressing earlier,50-60% of general tillering fertilizer accounts for the total.Tillering must be used in 7-10 days after transplanting rice, 5-7 kg of urea per acre application.
Second, skillfully panicle. Application time around rods of rice. Mushi 3-4 kg of urea, and with a small amount of phosphorus and potassium applied per acre foliar application of 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. 50 kg.
Third, particle. To select a sunny afternoon spraying 1% urea solution, or 1: 500 times Huimanfeng active liquid fertilizer, 50 kg per acre.
The five taboos of maize seed storage
The stand or fall of maize seed storage,had a great influence on production.If stored properly, it will cause great losses to production.So what should be paid attention to in the process of storage?
1.Taboo seed moisture content is too high.
Corn seed moisture content is too high,Once frozen, the embryo will be destroyed,so that its life force and the germination rate declined.So, we should find a way to put the corn seed water content below 15%, which meet the following security level.
2.Taboo seed studs are not enough
If you doped with unfilled grains, broken grains and dust and other impurities,it can make mixed bacteria and grain storage pest damage to corn.So stored corn seed must be carefully screened to remove impurities, to ensure clarity.
3.Taboo seed moisture
Because corn seeds organization is osteoporosis, embryo, it is easy to swell, mouldy or even happen.In order to avoid the evil, must place the corn in dry and stable temperature place.
4.Taboo seeds contaminated
Forbidden to put corn together with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and others, in order to prevent the evil because of pollution.
5.Taboo mice
Rat increasingly rampant in recent years, therefore must find ways to eliminate the rats, in order to avoid the has caused a serious loss to the production.
In addition, still should regularly check the seeds in pile, such as temperature, humidity and seed germination rate, once found the problem, and timely solve, avoid due to improper storage of corn, corn production caused irreparable damage.
1.Taboo seed moisture content is too high.
Corn seed moisture content is too high,Once frozen, the embryo will be destroyed,so that its life force and the germination rate declined.So, we should find a way to put the corn seed water content below 15%, which meet the following security level.
2.Taboo seed studs are not enough
If you doped with unfilled grains, broken grains and dust and other impurities,it can make mixed bacteria and grain storage pest damage to corn.So stored corn seed must be carefully screened to remove impurities, to ensure clarity.
3.Taboo seed moisture
Because corn seeds organization is osteoporosis, embryo, it is easy to swell, mouldy or even happen.In order to avoid the evil, must place the corn in dry and stable temperature place.
4.Taboo seeds contaminated
Forbidden to put corn together with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and others, in order to prevent the evil because of pollution.
5.Taboo mice
Rat increasingly rampant in recent years, therefore must find ways to eliminate the rats, in order to avoid the has caused a serious loss to the production.
In addition, still should regularly check the seeds in pile, such as temperature, humidity and seed germination rate, once found the problem, and timely solve, avoid due to improper storage of corn, corn production caused irreparable damage.
Corn Pest Control Measures
In agricultural production, field manager have three errors:
One is technical guidance unfulfillment,not timely forecast,can not grasp the favorable opportunity, following administration obvious phenomenon,Sooner or later, can not reach the control effect.
Second,the masses has not strong prevention of mass consciousness.Coupled with household farming, it is difficult to achieve a unified treatment, unified prevention.
Third,use this kind of medicament is a wrong way.Or use a single species in recent years, reducing the control effect,Some farmers in order to improve the control effect, actually use highly toxic pesticides, increasing agricultural pesticide residues. the following is the preventive measures.
The corn leaf spot.
Prevention indicators are diseased leaves rate bring all the sick leaves out and destroy it. Second, we must strengthen fertilizing watering,of 15%. Manual control can be removed the lower part of diseased leaves,Enhance plant premunition: the third can be used 50% carbendazim WP 500 times, or 5% tuzet WP 500 times spraying, seven days once, twice.
The follow is some rice reaper video lincks,If you have any question, please contact me.

Corn harvester buy five considerations
First, consider the applicability region
Most of China's corn combine harvester are requested row harvest, and corn planting spacing around the country has vastly different existing regional adaptability of corn harvester restricted,Existing corn harvester regional adaptability are subject.Therefore, no row corn harvester should be preferred model users.
Second, consider the return on investment issues
China's current corn harvester can be divided into self-propelled, towed and knapsack three major types.Self-propelled models huge, expensive, long payback period;Trailed models machine leader, reaching 13 to 15 meters, not suited to small plots.Backpack corn harvest can use existing tractor, a relatively small investment, operation efficiency is not high, job mobility and operability are better, it should be the preferred model.
Third, consider matching of power
Currently tractor general power corn harvester in more than 50 horsepower.Farmers in the choice of corn harvester must choose their own power to match the existing tractor models.
Fourth, consider the product quality and service problems,finish product.
Fifth, consider straw treatment
Existing corn combine harvester machine is equipped with a straw chopper machine, namely during the snapping job while corn stalks after crushing will throw in the ground, to achieve straw.
Corn seed processing
Corn seed treatment before sowing, the germination rate can be improved,Promote seedling growth,Seed can kill bacteria on the skin, reduce pest damage, can promote all seedlings, seedling, strong. The method of seed treatment are:
1, drying: the selected seeds spread on land or gallery,5-6 cm thick, continuous sun for 2-3 days,Avoid direct spread the seeds on the cement or metal plate, so as to avoid high temperature burn seeds.
2, Pharmacy stirring seed.Prevention and treatment of viral diseases of corn available for 1.5% Zhibingling Ⅱ 100 ml, against an appropriate amount can be mixed with water of 50 kg of maize seed.Prevention of root rot, smut available 50% or 25% Carbendazim Triadimefon WP 100-150 grams, dressing 50 kg;Control soil pests can be 50% phoxim EC 100, watered amount, mixed with 100 kg of maize seed, mix dry can be planted.For soil pests and corn mixed occurrence of disease, it can be mixed Yaojibanzhong, when dressing, first mix pesticides, dried and then mixed with fungicides.
3, special seed coating. An amount of 50 ml, 5-7 kg packet of seeds, both disease prevention and pest control.
Method of Corn Storage
The key to safe storage of corn is to improve the quality of storage,Lower grain moisture.Since around the temperature, air humidity are quite different, it should be based on local circumstances, with the corresponding storage measures.
Grading: Different points of moisture warehousing.When corn warehousing to do according to different water content, according to a different level of separate storage.Lay the initial foundation for the safe storage.high moisture corn should be drying before storage.
Low temperature and seal:According to the corn storage characteristics of application for low temperature and dry storage.It’s have two kinds of methods.One is drying closed, one is frozen closed.
Corn ear Storage:No threshing corn, ear storage is a relatively mature experience. It has long been widely used in Chinese Farmers,Ventilation conditions are good, and encounter cold seasons, hign moisture corn have large breathe, Maintain A balance of heat energy metabolism,Small pile of temperature change.ong-term ventilation In the winter season, to gradually dried corn. When the water dropped to 14.5% ~ 15%, to threshing grain into hiding.
Usually question and solution about corn sheller
1. Corn feeding device return
Cause: Excessive feeding moment
Elimination methods: Evenly continuous feed
2.Roller jam
Cause: at the end of drum have a small adjustment.
Elimination methods: Roller adjustment plate transfer bigger or simultaneously separating outlet transfer large
3.The rate of threshing corn
Cause: Grain moisture content is too large, the roller adjustment board is too large, the drum rotation number is low, spiked badly worn, uneven amount of feed.
Elimination methods: Drying corn, adjust the roller adjustment board, raise the drum speed, replace the spikes and uniform continuous feed
4.Entrained more
Cause: Drum major exporter, the drum rotation speed is high, the separation chamber exporter.
Elimination methods:Adjustment terminal regulatory board and the separation roller adjustment board, making their exports become smaller; the other can reduce the speed.
Cause: Excessive feeding moment
Elimination methods: Evenly continuous feed
2.Roller jam
Cause: at the end of drum have a small adjustment.
Elimination methods: Roller adjustment plate transfer bigger or simultaneously separating outlet transfer large
3.The rate of threshing corn
Cause: Grain moisture content is too large, the roller adjustment board is too large, the drum rotation number is low, spiked badly worn, uneven amount of feed.
Elimination methods: Drying corn, adjust the roller adjustment board, raise the drum speed, replace the spikes and uniform continuous feed
4.Entrained more
Cause: Drum major exporter, the drum rotation speed is high, the separation chamber exporter.
Elimination methods:Adjustment terminal regulatory board and the separation roller adjustment board, making their exports become smaller; the other can reduce the speed.
Drought-Resistant Gene In Rice
October 14, "the United States Academy of Sciences" (PNAS) published online the latest scientific research of rice scientists. In the article, entitled "A key enzyme DWA1 giant waxy skin by regulating the synthesis of drought-induced drought resistance in rice to control adaptive" (Putative megaenzyme DWA1 plays essential roles in drought resistance by regulating stress-induced wax deposition in rice) papers , researchers from Huazhong Agricultural University, identified a rice gene DWA1, confirmed that by regulating stress-induced plant cuticular wax (Cuticular wax) cumulative drought played a crucial role. The findings may have great importance for improving drought resistance crop varieties.
Including the waxy cuticle and horny, it is covered in terrestrial plant surfaces in contact with the external environment an important protective barrier. Cuticular wax in plants resistance to various biotic and abiotic stress plays a very important role, such as preventing moisture loss nonstomatal line, resist the invading bacteria and prevent devour herbivorous insects, UV and frost resistance to abiotic stresses the impacts
Water stress often leads to increased accumulation of wax. For water stress resistant plants generally have thick waxy cuticle. Studies have shown that stress-induced wax content increased, the sensitivity can lead to leaf water loss is reduced. Meanwhile, the wax content increases, also increase the ability of the plant drought-resistant. But under drought stress conditions for the waxy cuticle accumulation of genetic regulation mechanism is not very clear.
Armyworm control methods
Corn armyworm have explosive damage characteristics,Especially the three generations of armyworms,Prevention and treatment are very difficulty.on the basis of strengthening the monitoring ,we have to taken the following measures,control the Armyworm.
Adult armyworm booby technology:
1.straw method: General straw diameter is 5 cm,Insert 60 to 100 per acre, five days to replace it .Have replaced must fire, to destroy the sticky eggs.
2.2.Sweet and sour method: Take brown sugar, 350 grams, 150 grams of liquor, vinegar 500 grams, 250 grams of water,Plus 90% of the crystal trichlorfon 15 grams, are made of sweet and sour liquid trap.Put in the basin 1 meter on the field where booby adult armyworm.
3.3.Insecticidal lamp method: in the adult stage, in the field placement killing lamp, lamp spacing 100 m, night lights, trap and kill adults.
Adult armyworm booby technology:
1.straw method: General straw diameter is 5 cm,Insert 60 to 100 per acre, five days to replace it .Have replaced must fire, to destroy the sticky eggs.
2.2.Sweet and sour method: Take brown sugar, 350 grams, 150 grams of liquor, vinegar 500 grams, 250 grams of water,Plus 90% of the crystal trichlorfon 15 grams, are made of sweet and sour liquid trap.Put in the basin 1 meter on the field where booby adult armyworm.
3.3.Insecticidal lamp method: in the adult stage, in the field placement killing lamp, lamp spacing 100 m, night lights, trap and kill adults.
Method Of Potato Storage
Potato is common used in home. Many people are used to buy lots of it and storage. Compared with green vegetable. potatoes will not withered, decay,but the store will germinate well deteriorate even give birth to toxins.
In fact, The key is to control the temperature of stored potatoes.Potatoes suitable storage temperature is 3-5 ℃, relative humidity of about 90% . Also you can put potato in Breathable mesh bag or Backlight ventilated place at your home.
What’s more , Potatoes and sweet potatoes can not put together. Otherwise easily sprouting.
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