Potato blackleg disease is very serious for potato disease,all the grouth period can occure,mainly harm stem base and tubers,make a big damage in the field and cause rotting tubers.This kind of disease is characteristic of early onset, rapid onset, high mortality. It’s very diffulcut to preventent.For damage symptoms of potato blackleg disease occurrence, proposed control measures.
From the onset of symptoms of the disease to the late seedling growth may be the disease, mainly against plant stem base and tubers. Occurrence of the disease is caused by bacteria,Spread through contaminated seed but the soil are generally not contaminated.Contaminated seed and the field is not completely rotten potato primary infection source of disease, with a knife seed is the main way to expand the spread of disease.
Occurrence of disease onset condition is closely related to the degree of temperature and humidity.At higher temperatures the incidence of weight, high temperature and humidity, is conducive to bacterial growth and harm.
Heavy clay soils and poorly drained soils favorable for onset, heavy clay soils often low soil temperature, plant growth is slow, is not conducive to the formation of cork host tissue, reduces the ability of the anti-intrusion; heavy clay soil moisture, is conducive bacteria, spread and invasion, thus heavy clay soil, the incid